07-09-10Michelle Doerr has been awarded the Transnational Referral Certified (TRC) professional mark from the International Consortium of Real Estate Associations (ICREA).  M. Doerr is affiliated with ICREA through her membership in the National Association of Realtors, one of more than 25 leading national real estate associations that form the global consortium.

 Michelle Doerr is one of a growing number of professionals in San Antonio, Texas USA to earn the TRC, reflecting the increasingly global nature of the real estate industry. Michelle Doerr is the Broker/Owner of Doerr Realty, a Domestic and International Real Estate Brokerage Firm.

 The Transnational Referral Certification was developed to help real estate professionals better serve clients and customers who are looking to buy or sell real property outside their own country and who will benefit from working with a real estate professional in that foreign market.  TRC certified real estate professionals are trained not only in the mechanics of cross-border client referrals, but also in how to work in the client’s best interests in the same manner they would a domestic client.  All TRCs adhere to a national professional code of conduct.

 “In today complex market, where people are increasingly buying and selling internationally, whether for a resort or retirement home or as an investment, it’s important to work with someone who understands the local market and laws—particularly those that apply to foreign ownership,” said Ms. Doerr.  “The TRC helps me to ensure that my clients receive the same level of service and professionalism abroad that I provide them here at home.”  In the USA, only members of the National Association of Realtors can earn the Transnational Referral Certification.

 Through ICREA, TRC certified professionals have access to a network of 2 million real estate professionals in more than 25 countries, 3 million listings, and can easily locate professionals who have received training specifically in handling cross-border client referrals.

 The International Consortium of Real Estate Associations represents 26 leading real estate associations located in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States and Venezuela.  These organizations represent approximately two million practitioners and their countries collectively represent $25 trillion of GDP. For information on ICREA, contact ICREA’s Secretariat, 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL  60611 USA, at + 1.312.329.8327; consortium@realtors.org; http://www.WorldProperties.com.

Dr. Emoto’s Healing Prayer for the Gulf of Mexico

I know this is a bit off course, yet it deals with the environment and a different point of view on water and healing so I’m  still considering it a green issue. I’m willing to try anything to save our precious and fragile Gulf of Mexico so  please read on.

 Have you ever heard of this amazing man, Dr. Masaru Emoto and his incredible discoveries about water?  Dr. Masaru Emoto is the scientist from Japan who has researched  the characteristics of water.  His research reveaves that water (oceans) physically responds to emotions.

His discoveries are so amazing and his photographs of  water crystals and the affect of emotions on water is unbelievable. To learn more about his incredible work watch a You Tube video clip below from the movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know? 

Healing Prayer for the Gulf  is a worldwide prayer that focuses our energies in response to the Gulf tragedy and for healing  the waters and its inhabitants . Right now, most of us are angry when we consider what is happening in the Gulf.

Bird covered in oil trying to stay alive

While we may be justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms, if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr Emoto has proposed.  Since we are all affected by what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico I thought I would share it with everyone:

“I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the
living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton, coral, algae, and all living creatures . . . I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.  I love you. “

I am passing this request on to people hoping all who read this might be
willing to participate in this prayer. The goal is to set an intention of love
and healing so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico. We are not powerless. We are powerful. Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily and multiple times daily can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening in the gulf right now.  We don’t have to know how, we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any power active in the Universe today. 

Please help by repeating this healing prayer of Dr. Emoto’s and sending  this around the planet.  Please pass it on. Let’s take charge, and do our own clean up!   There is power in numbers.

It’s Hot In Texas! Go Solar!

Ever heard the old saying “It’s so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk!” If I would have had an egg handy I would have given it a try. It’s that HOT!

Outdoor Cooking in Texas!

 I made the mistake of getting into my hot truck today wearing shorts and sitting down on leather seats. I swear I heard the flesh on the back of my thighs scream. It’s only June. 

That makes me scared to see the electric bills this summer.  I mean that meter spins faster than a swing dancer!  My poor AC is working hard to keep me from melting . This is another reason why we need alternative energy resources like solar panels and windtricity.

Wind Power

If I could capture all that heat sizzlin on my roof and use it for energy I wouldn’t have to worry about the utility bills. Heck I might even produce enough solar power to store it for future use. That would help save money, produce natural energy and protect the environment. 

 The only problem with that idea is the cost. Solar Panels and windtricity are still a big expense. Retrofitting options for making your home more energy efficent are costly, but worth every penny.  Like everything else that is good for you it cost more, but thanks to Federal and State rebates and incentives alternative energy is becoming more affordable. The key is to know what to do, whom to use and where to go to find them.  That’s where a good resource can help and having the right product is everything.

solar panel pics

Solar Technology

 Solar San Antonio is a great place to go for educational resources about Solar technology and what is going on out there in the “solar world” . Uptown Solar is a great company to use for solar panels and installation in San Antonio. They are part of Lifeline Energy which is a leading solar PV panel manufacturer based out of Houston, Texas. Their PV (photovoltaic) panels are  powerful and efficent thus saving the client money now and in the long run. 

I have joined forces with these companies to bring solar technology to my clients here in the States as well as abroad.  As a “Green” Certified Real Estate Broker this makes sense. I want to educate my clients about ‘Going Green” , green homes, alternative energy options, Energy Star appliances, etc…

We all need to support alternative energy options such as solar technology so the cost will continue to decrease as more people see the light. I don’t know about you, but I want to see this planet become independent of foreign oil & stop bad environmental disasters like the current BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Make it stop!

San Antonio’s Very Cool Solar Fest

Fabulous sunset view

Last Saturday San Antonio held its annual Solar Fest. “This educational and fun event is held annually on the first Saturday in May at Maverick Park under the beautiful live oak trees of South Texas. The Solar Fest provides valuable information to the public about renewable energy technologies, the impact of sustainable living, and green building techniques.

I find that it’s a wonderfully educational event where I can go to network, educate myself and share ideas. I always learn something new about the latest innovations in renewable energy and green building techniques that I can pass on to my clients and fellow bloggers.  I found it so exciting and fascinating to see all the cool innovations yesterday that I thought I would share some of them with you today.

I saw cars that run totally on electricity and I overheard one of the electric car guys talking about how little energy it takes him to get around town without gasoline. Can you imagine how much money we would all save  if we did not have to buy gas?  I don’t know about you but I could find much better uses for that money than giving it to oil companies. Not to mention what it would do to save our environment.

Case in point the devastating oil spill going on right now in the Gulf of Mexico.  Maybe this horrific disaster will make our country sit up and take notice that we really need to get off our oil dependence and that renewal energy sources are best for everyone!

While walking around I stopped at this one booth and spoke with a distributor about solar pool heating systems.  This manufacturing company was chosen by the U.S Dept. of Energy to provide the solar heating system for the Georgia Aquatic Center which is the site for Atlanta Summer Olympics swimming event. . 

Check this out…he told me that an average pool cost around $700.00 a month just to heat with a traditional pool heater.  Can you believe that? That’s about $8500.00 annually just to heat your pool!  At that rate a Solar pool heating system should pay for itself within 7 months and then look at all the money you would save while being eco- friendly.

Another nifty green design I saw was the new trademarked skylights this company was selling. These skylights are not like the old kind we are all familiar with that leak and just look nasty after a while.  They give off a lot of natural light and are perfect for dark lit areas such as closets, bathrooms, hallways, stairs, etc… He assured me that their skylights do not leak and went on to explain the construction and sealing methods that keep this from happening. Apparently they have come a long way baby!

Another cool display was by the S.A Astronomical Association. I first put on 3-D glasses and saw the sun as it really looks in 3-D.  He showed us how small Earth really is in relation to the sun and to other planets. The sun is even miniscule compared to some of these stars. I mean it’s like humans standing  next to an ant, that’s how small and insignificant we really are. Then I looked  through this huge telescope and saw the sun. It was amazing to see this fiery ball of energy. He told me that the lens used special filters to protect your eyes. Remember what your mamma always said would happen if you looked at the sun? Well I did look and what a sight! I also saw solar flares… how cool is that???

Next I stopped at the solar water heating systems booth.  They offer solar water heaters for every type of enviroment and stated that you can get a federal tax credit with their systems.  Their claim is that “installing one solar water heating system can reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by up to 4.5 tons per year” 4. Wow! That’s staggering!  How many water heaters are in operation in the US alone? What about globally?  Can you imagine if every home used solar water heaters what that number would be?  

There were also these great solar attic fans that really cooled your attic thus saving on cooling bills in the hot Texas summers. When I asked how this compared to radiant barrier roof decking which is known to cool your attic and lower energy bills by 30% to 40%, he said they were both great options, but the  two combined would really lower your energy cost even more.

I visited with various solar panel  manufacturers and distributors that were there.  It’s amazing how much energy can be generated and saved with solar PV panels. You can get some great incentives and rebates from  the government  for solar panels so look into it! I just wish the upfront cost of PV solar panels was more cost effective so every home could afford it and we could all save money and energy while protecting the environment.

 I also looked into wind turbines for windtricity as wind farms are located all throughout Texas. I believe Texas leads the country for wind farms and windtricity. I know in SA we pay more for wind power and I think it should be the opposite, but what do I know? Maybe someday soon that will change as the demand increases and more of us go green.

I also met with a couple of green home builders and we had a wonderful discussion about retrofitting existing homes, new green building techniques, rainwater recatchment systems, etc… It was great to be able to speak their lingo. It really pays to stay up to date on the latest and greatest in the green world.

There were so many wonderful groups and organizations yesterday and I picked up alot of great info. There were too many to list them all here, but if you want additional info about any of these fine green businesses please feel free to contact me.  

To sum it up it was another great event this year and they had a wonderful turnout. The entire event was powered by solar, even the stage and the great live music playing throughout the day. All the bands that played were fabulous and they kept the festival lively. Thanks guys! The weather was perfect, you could not ask for better weather if you tried.

One final note, I was very interested in talking with the arborist from The Alamo Forest Partnership about the continuing tree ordinance saga in San Antonio. I am  concerned about this issue and how it affects all of us.   Trees give us shade from the heat, they absorb CO2 emmissions, they cut utility bills, they are beautiful and offer intristic value to homes. 

I was informed that this Thursday the City Council is having another meeting to decide the trees fate and I was asked by the group if I would come speak and offer a different point of view as a “green” real estate broker selling  builders homes.  I am thinking about taking them up on it.  Should I go? Should I get up and defend the trees that cannot defend themselves?  Write me your thoughts. Until then..

Keeping it green,

Your eco-friendly broker

Hot debate at City Hall!! The San Antonio Tree Ordinance Battle

This morning at 9am the City Council’s meeting in San Antonio, Texas convened. There were many items on the agenda, but the one that drew the most attention was concerning the proposed tree ordinance amendment.  It may still be going on, as I left after listening to four hours of different special interest groups fighting for their causes. There were 66 people that signed up to speak on this one issue today and by 1:30pm only 25 people had been heard.

The controversy over this amendment is whether or not we should have stronger protections for our beautiful trees that serve many wonderful purposes.  On one side of the argument is the environmental and economic impact of their destruction and on the other side the higher cost to builders and developers to adhere to the stronger ordinances proposed, thus affecting homebuyers and the economy.

Former Mayor, Phil Hardberger was the opening speaker and gave an eloquent speech on why we need to save our trees! His words were captivating with their honesty and sincere concern for this city’s environmental and economic future.  After he spoke many different environmental groups, arborist and concerned citizens gave just cause as to why this ordinance needs stronger enforcement and what happens to our city and the environment when we do not follow this belief.  

I for one am always in support of stronger laws governing the protection of trees and the environment. I feel trees add value to a home, and that homes with mature trees sell better, faster, and usually for more money. Builders know this too, that is why they add high premiums on their lots with trees. Trees add value, are visually pleasing and necessary for the protection of our fragile ecosystem.

The other side of the argument felt the tree ordinance amendment would be too costly from a building standpoint and would have a terrible impact on this city financially. Basically their argument is that trees are expendable, especially when they get in the way of economic and financial gain. The special interest groups turned out in droves to support their fight and there wrere as many suits in this meeting as during the Wall Street hearings!

 My big question is this?? Do you know how hot it gets in South Texas ???  How many people run for shade everyday in this city while working, or out running errands? I can never find a parking spot  under  a shade trees in San Antonio when the temperature reaches 90 degrees plus. We need our tree canopies and protection from floodwaters, not to mention the energy conservation and the carbon reasons we need more trees instead of more concrete and hardiplank!

I hope they vote to protect our trees. Since I was not able to speak at the meeting I personally called every one of my councilmen and women and asked them to please protect our trees so this beautiful city stays that way.  I hope you will too.

How “Green” Are you?

Have you ever wondered what  the green movement is all about?  After all, what does going green really mean and how does one get started? Should you use paper or plastic? What can you recycle? Are you eco-friendly? 

Is your head spinning from trying to learn what’s green and how to get there?  Are neighbors looking at  you suspiciously as you take out the trash or water your lawn?  Are you getting dirty looks driving down the street in that big Humvee pulling an even bigger boat?  Does all this make you want to run screaming vowing never to eat tofu or go solar?

 Or maybe….just maybe….

You are interested in conserving and recycling and doing your part to save the planet. Perphaps you already are.  Maybe you just want to learn how to save on your utility bills or find cool eco-friendly products. Could it be that the green movement is not your thing, but you want to learn to save money when buying or building a home?

 Well if any of those scenarios describes you, then you’ve come to the right place! Welcome to Green Chat, where the talk is always green!

Have you built or bought a green home? If so, what have you saved in the way of energy or money? If not, what other cool ways have you found to go green and save money? I want to hear from you about your best and worst ‘going green” experiences. So don’t be shy, write me.

If you’re curious to know how green you really are, go to : ‘Checking your carbon footprint’ and take the challenge to see how you stack up. The results will suprise you.

I took the test and bit the big one when it came to my carbon footprint! I mean I thought I had this nailed. I don’t drive a Prius or a smart car, but I try to do my part. Even a smart eco-friendly broker like me can improve my carbon load, so keep those eco-friendly ideas coming!

If you want to check out more cool info on building or buying green homes or products and some cool articles and great savings go to my site at : http://www.greenandsave.com/

While your out there, don’t forget to check out  “Going Green”  and find even more cools books, photos, products & ideas. at:


Keeping it Green,

Your Eco-Friendly Broker